Main school brochure Year 4 and 5 students 2024


Hello! My name is Mr Grady, and I have the joy, pleasure and privilege to be the Head Teacher at Rugby High School where we show kindness and respect to all – and you’ll feel that in everything you do here. It’s my job to make sure you have the very best experience of learning; that you have an exciting, challenging and broad curriculum. It’s my job to make sure you are safe and well, that you knowwho to talk to if you have any worries, and to make sure that your ধ1' !; <+#@ -+, $,33£ -9 ! happy one! If you’re reading this, it’s because you’re interested in Rugby High School as the next part of your journey and I’m really pleased to tell you what a fantastic next step joining us would be! It’s a learning environment which has, over the years perfected an outstanding education for young women. Our teachers are experts -2 ;,'-8 )'£&W ,'@ £3=' ;,'-8 9<#/'$;9 !2& know how to ĆQG WKH VSDUN RI FXULRVLW\ -2 ;,' $<88-$<£<1W ,'@ !£93 023> ,3> ;3 support you to build your resilience and your independence !2&T >,'2 -; $31'9 ;3 '?!1-2!ধ329T to help you perform to the very best of your ability. Our students are our greatest advert: NQRZOHGJHDEOH JRRG KXPRXUHG DQG FRQĆGHQW young women, who leave here proud and ready (38 >,!;'='8 ;,' >'2;@ -89; '2;<8@ might throw at them! &3 ,36' ;,' 8'9; 3( ;,-9 #83$,<8' +-='9 @3< ! *!=3<8 3( <+#@ -+, $,33£T !2& ;,!; @3< $!2Z; wait to come and see what makes us such a unique school. Welcome! RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL My name is Mr Grady, and I have the joy, pleasure and privilege to be the Head Teacher at Rugby High School wh e we show kindness, care and respect to all - and you’ll feel that in everthing you do here. It’s my job to make sure you have the very best experience of learning; that you have an exciting, challe ging and broad curriculum. It’s my job to make sure you are safe and well, that you know who to t lk to if you have any worries, and t make sure that your time at Rugby High Scho l is a happy ne! If you’re reading this, it’s because you’re interest d in Rugby High School as the next part of your journey and I’m really pleased to tell you what a fantastic n xt step joining us would be! It’s a lea ning environment which has, over the years, perfected an outstanding educa ion f r young women. Our teachers are experts in their eld. They love their subjects and know how to nd the spark of curiosity in the curriculum. They also know how to support you to build your resilience and your independence and, when it comes to examinations, to help you perform to the very best of your ability. Our students are our greatest advert: knowledgable, good-humoured and con dent young women who leave here proud and ready for whatever the Twenty First Century might throw at them! I do hope the rest of this brochure gives you a avour of Rugby High School, and that you can’t wait to come and see what makes us such a unique school.

LIFE AT RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL Hello! My name is Mr Grady, and I have the joy, pleasure and privilege to be the Head Teacher at Rugby High School where we show kindness and respect to all – and you’ll feel that in everything you do here. It’s my job to make sure you have the very best experience of learning; that you have an exciting, challenging and broad curriculum. It’s my job to make sure you are safe and well, that you knowwho to talk to if you have any worries, and to make sure that your ধ1' !; <+#@ -+, $,33£ -9 ! happy one! If you’re reading this, it’s because you’re interested in Rugby High School as the next part of your journey and I’m really pleased to tell you what a fantastic next step joining us would be! It’s a learning environment which has, over the years perfected an outstanding education for young women. Our teachers are experts -2 ;,'-8 )'£&W ,'@ £3=' ;,'-8 9<#/'$;9 !2& know how to ĆQG WKH VSDUN RI FXULRVLW\ -2 ;,' $<88-$<£<1W ,'@ !£93 023> ,3> ;3 support you to build your resilience and your independence !2&T >,'2 -; $31'9 ;3 '?!1-2!ধ329T to help you perform to the very best of your ability. Our students are our greatest advert: NQRZOHGJHDEOH JRRG KXPRXUHG DQG FRQĆGHQW young women, who leave here proud and ready (38 >,!;'='8 ;,' >'2;@ -89; '2;<8@ might throw at them! &3 ,36' ;,' 8'9; 3( ;,-9 #83$,<8' +-='9 @3< ! *!=3<8 3( <+#@ -+, $,33£T !2& ;,!; @3< $!2Z; wait to come and see what makes us such a unique school. Welcome! RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL Life at Rugby High School is rich, varied and full of opportunities, with an engaging curriculum and teachers who are truly passionate about their subjects. Our aim as a school is to encourage our students to be ambitious and cre tive thinkers. Inspired by their curiosity and l v for learning our students grow in con dence, gaining new experiences and realising that their actions have the potential to change the world. We have a packed events calendar with the whole school getti g involved in charity dressing-up days, school plays and musical performances, sporting competitions, residential trips and celebration assemblies. Students work together in their forms, years and across the year groups, and we celebrate the diversity of our community. At Rugby H gh School we make the most of our sports facilities, drama studios, music centre, well-equipped science laboratories, computer science rooms, art, textiles and food technology block and our fa tastic utdoor spa e with a t ee-lin d eld t enjoy on sun y lunchtimes.

SO MUCH MORE <2&8!-9-2+T '?;8!f$<88-$<£!8 $£<#9T !2& ;8-69 !2& =-9-;9 are at the heart of Rugby High School. ,'8' !8' ‰Š &-ø'8'2; £<2$,ধ1' $£<#9 !2& 93$-'ধ'9 g !££ 8<2 #@ 9;!ø !2& 9;<&'2;9W !$, @'!8 >' 8!-9' 132'@ (38 ! 8!2+' 3( $,!8-ধ'9W ;<&'2;9 38+!2-9' '='2;9 9<$, !9 $!0' 9!£'9T ;'!$,'8 0!8!30' $316'ধধ329T 232f<2-(381 &!@9T -$' £3££@ 9!£'9 !2& 3<8 (!13<9 -20 !@ !$' (38 -('W -2$' '6;'1#'8 ‰‡‰ˆ >' ,!=' 8!-9'& !2 !1!A-2+ 9<1 3( „‡‰ˆW‡‡ 93 (!8 Each year we organise a huge range of visits, from trips ;3 ;,' ;,'!;8' ;3 3='89'!9 8'9-&'2ধ!£9 Our students are at the heart of decision making and driving the development of our school with a wide range of posts of responf sibility in all year groups. RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL Our students have the chance to enjoy academic and extra-curricular visits, residential trips, Duke of Edinburgh and work experience. Charity and fundraising are at the heart of Rugby High School with cake-baking competitions, book sales, non-uniform days, Pink Day Race for Life and teacher karaoke. There are over 25 lunchtime clubs and societies from choir and drama to classics and the Climate Coalition. Our school teams compete in sports from netball, athletics and football to table tennis and trampolining. We celebrate our sch ol’s diversity and hold an annual Cultural Diversity Day. We pride ourselves on our pastoral care and students are supported throughout their school life.

My eyes not even open yet, I ing my bag over my shoulder and head out the door, a bolt of lightning lights up in me as I think about today’s exciting schedule. I wave at my friend as I walk through the gates, heading for form, heading for my friends, heading past the canteen, trying to guess what’s on the menu for break. It always smells delicious. Walking into the room, I put down my bag and head for the lockers. The familiar yellow lock and fading beige doors seem to greet me as I grab what I need for the day, hurrying back as my form tutor enters the classroom. I like to chat with my friends about homework as we race up the stairs but we always end up laughing about something or other as we turn towards the maths classroom and take our seats, white boards, and pens waiting patiently for us in the normal place. On the way to English, my friends remind me of our upcoming food tech tester session and I can hear my stomach rumble, apparently, we’re making cookies but we won’t nd out till next week. Break could not come sooner and I struggle to scan my ngerprint to buy just what I guessed this morning, cheesy garlic bread, probably the best item on the menu. Next, we have Latin and the usual question of “can we play Blooket™?”. Our teacher reminds us that we may if we have time but we must work hard as we answer the register with the usual “salve!”. For anybody considering this school, be warned, you’re going to wish you could never leave. It’s like a family here and everything is so diverse and accepting. Sure, there’s ups and downs but someone always has your back and no day is like the next. It couldn’t be more like home. Year 7 is a time that you will form new friendships, experience challenges that you will learn to overcome and definitely a year you will never forget. Whenever you find a subject hard, it is so easy to tell the teacher, they are really friendly and helpful. You and your form will go through everything together, as you will take all of your lessons with them. By Year 8 your friends will feel like sisters, as you know them so well. Wheels turning towards their 7;vঞm-ঞomĸ !;Y;1ঞom o= |u;;Ľv 0u-m1_;v u;-1_bm]ĸ Towards me. m -u1_‰-‹ Ѵbh; - 1-l;u- Ѵ;mvķ o1†vbm] om |_; rb1|†u; o= o†u v1_ooѴĺ ";1om7v |o lbm†|;v |o _o†uvĸ -vv 0‹ †v 1u;-ঞm]ĸ ;u=;1| 1bu1Ѵ;vĸ u-‰m ‰b|_ 1olr-vv;vĸ m]Ѵ;v l;-v†u;7 -m7 1-Ѵ1†Ѵ-ঞomv solved. mf;1ঞomv o= bmhĸ u-‰m =uol |_; bl-]bm-ঞomĸ = o|_;uvĸ m7 ‹o†uv;Ѵ=ĸ m-Ѵ‹vbm] v1ubr|†u;v -m7 bmvrbubm] ‹o†u o‰mĺ oѴ7;m Y-l;v †m=†uѴbm] =u l l;|-Ѵĸ ‹Ѵbm7;uvķ lbŠbm] -m7 1u;-ঞm]ĸ olro†m7vĺ Ѵ-m| -m7 -mbl-Ѵ Ѵb=; bmvrbubm]ķ oѴѴo‰bm] |_; Ѵ-‰v o= |_; m-|† -Ѵ orld. ou]o‚;m Ѵ-m]†-]; 0†ub;7 bm -v_;vĸ mo‰m 0†| mo| Ѵ;-um|ĸ ;-u7 o=ĸ †| u-u;Ѵ‹ |-†]_|ĸ Š1;r| _;u;ķ 1-u;=†Ѵ ‰b|_ ;ˆ;u‹ v|;rĺ $_; Ѵbv| 1o†Ѵ7 ]o omĸ -bm| 0u†v_;v 7brr;7 b 1oѴo†uķ -v| 0;1olbm] ru;v;m|ĸ ;u=oul-m1;v Ѵ-1;7 ‰b|_ 1omC7;m1; -m7 ru-1ঞv;ķ "|oub;v o= 0u;-h v_-u;7 ‰b|_ =ub;m7vĺ !;vr;1| -rrbm;vv Smiles. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A YEAR 7 RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL ‹ ;‹;v mo| ;ˆ;m or;m ‹;|ķ Ybm] l‹ 0-] oˆ;u l‹ v_o†Ѵ7;u -m7 _;-7 o†| |_; 7oouķ - 0oѴ| o= Ѵb]_|mbm] Ѵb]_|v †r bm l; -v |_bmh -0o†| |o7-‹Ľv ;Š1bঞm] v1_;7†Ѵ;ĺ ‰-ˆ; -| l‹ =ub;m7 -v ‰-Ѵh |_uo†]_ |_; ]-|;vķ _;-7bm] =ou =oulķ _;-7bm] =ou l‹ =ub;m7vķ _;-7bm] r-v| |_; 1-m|;;mķ |u‹bm] |o ]†;vv ‰_-|Ľv om |_; l;m† =ou 0u;-hĺ | -Ѵ‰-‹v vl;ѴѴv 7;Ѵb1bo†vĺ )-Ѵhbm] bm|o |_; uoolķ r†| 7o‰m l‹ 0-] -m7 _;-7 =ou |_; Ѵo1h;uvĺ $_; =-lbѴb-u ‹;ѴѴo‰ Ѵo1h -m7 =-7bm] 0;b]; 7oouv v;;l |o ]u;;| l; -v ]u-0 ‰_-| m;;7 =ou |_; 7-‹ķ _†uu‹bm] 0-1h -v l‹ =oul |†|ou ;m|;uv |_; 1Ѵ-vvuoolĺ Ѵbh; |o 1_-| ‰b|_ l‹ =ub;m7v -0o†| _ol;‰ouh -v ‰; u-1; †r |_; v|-buv 0†| ‰; -Ѵ‰-‹v ;m7 †r Ѵ-†]_bm] -0o†| vol;|_bm] ou o|_;u -v ‰; |†um |o‰-u7v |_; l-|_v 1Ѵ-vvuool -m7 |-h; o†u v;-|vķ ‰_b|; 0o-u7vķ -m7 r;mv ‰-bঞm] r-ঞ;m|Ѵ‹ =ou †v bm |_; moul-Ѵ rѴ-1;ĺ m |_; ‰-‹ |o m]Ѵbv_ķ l‹ =ub;m7v u;lbm7 l; o= o†u †r1olbm] =oo7 |;1_ |;v|;u v;vvbom -m7 1-m _;-u l‹ v|ol-1_ u†l0Ѵ;ķ -rr-u;m|Ѵ‹ķ ‰;Ľu; l-hbm] 1oohb;v 0†| ‰; ‰omĽ| Cm7 o†| ঞѴѴ m;Š| ‰;;hĺ u;-h 1o†Ѵ7 mo| 1ol; voom;u -m7 v|u†]]Ѵ; |o v1-m l‹ Cm];urubm| |o 0†‹ f†v| ‰_-| ]†;vv;7 |_bv loumbm]ķ 1_;;v‹ ]-uѴb1 0u;-7ķ ruo0-0Ѵ‹ |_; 0;v| b|;l om |_; menu. ;Š|ķ ‰; _-ˆ; -ঞm -m7 |_; †v†-Ѵ t†;vঞom o= ľ1-m ‰; rѴ-‹ Ѵ oh;|Ŀ o†u |;-1_;u u;lbm7v †v |_-| ‰; l-‹ b= ‰; _-ˆ; ঞl; 0†| ‰; l†v| ‰ouh _-u7 -v ‰; -mv‰;u |_; u;]bv|;u ‰b|_ |_; †v†-Ѵ ľv-Ѵˆ;ĴĿ ou -m‹0o7‹ 1omvb7;ubm] |_bv v1_ooѴķ 0; ‰-um;7ķ ‹o†Ľu; ]obm] |o ‰bv_ ‹o† 1o†Ѵ7 m;ˆ;u Ѵ;-ˆ;ĺ |Ľv Ѵbh; - =-lbѴ‹ _;u; -m7 ;ˆ;u‹|_bm] bv vo 7bˆ;uv; -m7 -11;rঞm]ĺ "†u;ķ |_;u;Ľv †rv -m7 7o‰mv 0†| vol;om; -Ѵ‰-‹v _-v ‹o†u 0-1h -m7 mo 7-‹ bv Ѵbh; |_; m;Š|ĺ | 1o†Ѵ7mĽ| 0; lou; Ѵbh; _ol;ĺ

WHAT OUR SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE Surrounded by like-minded students who made my school days incredibly fun. RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL $_; v1_ooѲĻv |u†v| bm l; 0†bѲ| - Ѳ;ˆ;Ѳ o= v;Ѳ= 1omC7;m1; ‰_b1_ has stayed with me throughout my career. -ˆbm] ;l0-uh;7 om - 1-u;;u bm r_‹vb1vĶ - C;Ѳ7 in which women are under-represented, I can mo‰ -rru;1b-|; ;ˆ;m lou; |_; 0;m;C| |_-| gained from having female role models at RHS, whether they were teachers, peers or speakers at assemblies. The self-belief that I could do anything if I tried, a skill carefully nurtured by a set of teachers who believed in me long before I did. It challenges you to be the best you can be. 98% of students achieved 9-5 grades in English and Maths at GCSE in 2023. 79% of all GCSE grades ward d in 2023 were grades 9-7. 78% of students achieved A* to B grades at A Level in 2023. It challenges you to be the best you can be. The school’s trust in me built a level of self confidence which has stayed with me througout my career. Being surrounde by lik -minded students made my school days incredibly fun.

• o;v v_; u;-7 _;u ;Ѵ7;u vbv|;uĽv 0oohv ĵ • v v_; =-v1bm-|;7 ‰b|_ _o‰ |_; _†l-m 0o7‹ ‰ouhv ĵ • v v_; |_; Cuv| |o -mv‰;u |_; _bv|ou‹ t†;vঞomv om |_; t†bŒ v_o‰v ĵ • o;v v_; hmo‰ _o‰ l†1_ ‹o†Ľˆ; vr;m| 0;=ou; ‹o† ];| |o |_; 1_;1ho†| ĵ RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL IS YOUR DAUGHTER EAGER AND EXCITED TO KEEP LEARNING? '8,!69 ;!0-2+ ;,' ˆˆ !2& /3-2-2+ <9 !; <+#@ High School is just what she needs. Does she have a passion for reading? Is she the rst to answer questions on quiz shows? Is she interested in the news, politics or the world around her? Is she fascinated by science and technology? Does she ask a l t of questions and try to discover how things work? Taking the 11 and joining us at Rugby High School could be just what she needs.

THE 11+ PROCESS ,'2 -2 '!8 Œ @3< >-££ 8'+-9;'8 (38 ;,' ˆˆ;'9; ,ħ69Vcc>>>W>!8>-$09,-8'W +3=W<0c+8!11!8f9$,33£9fˆˆf;'9; by Thursday 30th June 2022. 3<8 !66£-$!ধ32 >-££ #' acknowledged within 14 days of receipt. If you don’t—you must chase. Your daughter will be invited to take the test at a local secondary school. Details will be sent to parents by August 2022. ˆˆ;'9;V September 2022. Updates on exactly when ,ħ69Vcc>>>W>!8>-$0f 9,-8'W+3=W<0c+8!11!8f9$,33£9fˆˆf;'9;c8'+-9;'8fˆˆf;'9;cˆ You will need to bring a completed ļC| -m7 ‰;ѴѴĽ =oul and a photograph of your daughter signed and dated by her headteacher with you to the test. Your daughter’s test result will be emailed mid-October and parents will then need to apply for a place through Warwickshire County Council. 3< >-££ 23; )2& 3<; -( 9,' ,!9 9'$<8'& - rѴ-1; -| !†]0‹ b]_ "1_ooѴ †mঞѴ 1st March 2023. However this result can indicate how likely this is if you compare it to previous years’ qualifying score. ''6 !2 '@' 32 3<8 >'#9-;' (38 ˆˆ !1-£-!8-9!ধ32 !6'89 9332 RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL In the end, I really enjoyed doing the 11+. I discovered it was easier than I thought it would be. Despite being extremely nervous, I powered through and I really enjoyed myself -ࢼѲ7-Ķ +;-u Ɠ To join Rugby High School the rst step is registering for the 11+ Test. Go to Registration for the 11+ opens in May each year for those children currently in ea 5. You need to register by 30th June 2024. You should create or log in to a Parent Portal account on Warwickshire County Council’s website, from 7th May 2024 onwards, and submit the online 11+ registration form. An automatic email will be sent con rmi g your submission, once it has been completed successfully. The 11+ tests will take place on 14th and 15th September 2024, when students have started in Year 6. Your daughter’s test results will be available on the Parent Portal on 18th October 2024 and parents will then need to apply for a place through Warwickshire County Council. You will nd out if she has secured a place at Rugby High School on National Secondary School O er day, which is 1st March 2025. However her test result can indicate how likely this will be, by comparing it to the previous year’s qualifying score. In 2024 the qualifying score for Rugby High School was 212 and the minimum score for the waiting list was 209.

ELIGIBLE FOR FREE SCHOOL MEALS IN THE LAST 6 YEARS? $_;u; -u; †r |o ƑƏ rѴ-1;v -ˆ-bѴ-0Ѵ; -| !†]0‹ b]_ =ou ]buѴv ‰_o _-ˆ; u;1;bˆ;7 =u;; v1_ooѴ l;-Ѵv bm |_; Ѵ-v| vbŠ ‹;-uv -m7 ‰_o v1ou; †r |o ƐƔ robm|v 0;Ѵo‰ |_; t†-Ѵb=‹bm] v1ou;ĺ ou ;Š-lrѴ;ķ b= |_; ];m;u-Ѵ t†-Ѵb=‹bm] v1ou; bv ƑƐƏķ - ]buѴ ‰_o _-v u;1;bˆ;7 =u;; v1_ooѴ l;-Ѵv omѴ‹ m;;7v |o v1ou; ƐƖƔ |o 0; o@;u;7 - rѴ-1;ĺ = ‹o†u 7-†]_|;u u;1;bˆ;v =u;; v1_ooѴ l;-Ѵv ou ‹o† -u; bm u;1;br| o= 1;u|-bm 0;m;C|v ‹o† 1-m ]-bm _;Ѵr |o‰-u7v 0†‹bm] _;u Cuv| †mb=oulĺ Ѵ;-v; †v; |_; ;l-bѴ -77u;vv 0;Ѵo‰ |o ];| lou; bm=oul-ঞomĺ ou v|†7;m|v ‰_o -u; bm u;1;br| o= ņ " ķ om1; ‹o† vb]m †r =ou ‹o†u 7-†]_|;u |o vb| |_; ƐƐƳ ‹o† ‰bѴѴ 0; v;m| - Ѵo]bm ‰_b1_ ]bˆ;v ‹o† -11;vv |o vol; ƐƐƳ =-lbѴb-ubv-ঞom v;vvbomv omѴbm; |_-| ‹o† 1-m ‰ouh |_uo†]_ĺ RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL There are up to 20 places available at Rugby High School for girls who live in the priority areas who qualify for the Pupil Premium, via free school meals, and score up to 15 points below the qualifying score. For example if the qualifying score is 212 a girl who has received free school meals only needs to score 197 or more to be o ered a place. We expect all our students t be able to access all our academic and co-curricular activities and we’re committed to supporting our students to do so. We allocate P pil Pre ium funding to support students in need of individual nancial support so they can take part in school visits and trips, access the internet, take part in clubs, travel to and from school and to feel part f our school community by wearing our full school unif rm. If your daughter receives free school meals, or you are in receipt of certain bene ts, you can gain help, for example, towards buying her rst uniform. Please email if you need more information.

TOP TIPS FOR 11+ ; -9 ! +33& -&'! ;3 68!$ধ9' !; ,31' ;3 (!1-£-!8-9' @3<89'£( >-;, ;,' 9;@£' 3( 7<'9ধ329 -2 ;,' ˆˆ ;'9;W 3309 ;3 ,'£6 @3< 68'6!8' (38 ;,' ˆˆ 9;!8; !; !83<2& „ˆ‡ f !=!-£!#£' 32£-2' 38 (831 ,-+, 9;8''; #330 9,369W f#3309 !8' cheaper. ?!16£' 7<'9ধ329 l!2& !29>'89m !8' !££ !=!-£!#£' 32 ;,' -2;'82'; f /<9; ;!0' ! £330W Make sure that you read lots and widely, you need a wide 8!2+' 3( =3$!#<£!8@ <2&'8 @3<8 #'£; (38 ;,' ˆˆ ;'9;W 8!$ধ9' >380-2+ 3<; 1!;,9 7<'9ধ329 7<-$0£@T @3<Z££ 2''& ;3 023> @3<8 ধ1'9 ;!#£'9 !2& 2<1#'8 #32&9 3ø #@ ,'!8; !9 @3<Z££ 2''& ;3 >380 7<-$0£@ &<8-2+ ;,' ধ1'& 9'$ধ329 3( ;,' ;'9;W RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL 31' 9<6'81!80';9 ,!=' ! 9$,'1' ;3 3ø'8 +<-&!2$' (38 ;,' ˆˆ f #<; @3< 8'!££@ &32Z; ,!=' ;3 <9' -;W RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL GROW IN SELF-KNOWLEDGE, CONFIDENCE AND AMBITION CONTACT US: 01788 810518 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK RUGBY HIGH SCHOOL LONGROOD ROAD RUGBY CV22 7RE It is a good idea to practice 11+ questions at home to familiarise yourself with the style of questions. Books to help you prepare for the 11+ start at around £8 - £10 from online or high street retailers and e-books may be cheaper. Choose the GL Assessment books as this is the test provider in Warwickshire. Make sure you read lots and widely. You will need a wide range of vocabulary under your belt for the 11+ Test. Practice working out maths questions quickly, you’ll need to work fast in the test. You’ll need to know your times tables and number bonds o by heart. Follow us on FACEBOOK Follow us on INSTAGRAM