News from Mr Grady
29th September 2022
Hello Everyone,
This week we’re celebrating diversity week (it coincides with European day of languages) and we’ve been celebrating the diversity of the RHS community in a whole variety of ways, from assemblies led by the modern foreign languages department, a diversity in Maths competition, presentations in form time sharing “Who am I?” where staff and students share aspects of their background and cultural heritage, a Great European Bake Off competition, and finally on Friday a non-uniform day where we encourage students and staff to wear clothing that reflects their heritage, culture or background, or simply an aspect of themselves.
In lessons too, staff have been finding ways in which to discuss the idea of diversity, what it means to our community and how it might apply in different subject areas.
We very firmly believe here at RHS, that we are a school that celebrates and enhances diversity for our community. This is safe place, where we can be ourselves, and be welcomed and accepted for who we are. Sometimes it’s not always easy to feel you “fit in” but hopefully here at RHS, due to our ethos of kindness, care and respect it means that you do feel welcomed, supported and cared for by our community.
RHS is so much stronger as a community because we do try to listen to all the voices that make up our community, knowing that working together as an ensemble that nurtures and supports each other is by far the most effective way of remaining a strong, caring community that supports success for all.
If, to coin an old phrase “variety is the spice of life” then the variety of voices, experiences and backgrounds that exist in our community will continue to provide an exciting, inspirational experience for all of us.
I cannot wait for the non-uniform day tomorrow, where we will loudly and proudly celebrate the wonderful diversity of our community – if you have the opportunity to watch as our students come into school tomorrow you will witness just what a diverse community we are.
Proud of our backgrounds, heritage and where we’ve come from, and excited and ready to make a difference to where we might be going to!
With all best wishes,
Mr Grady
Uniform survey
Thank you to all parents who, in the summer term, took the time to complete our survey seeking your opinions on both Parents Evenings and the initial stages of our school uniform review.
Please read on for the key findings from the surveys and actions as a result.
Parents’ Evenings: for both teaching and parents the majority (63% of parents) prefer online parents’ evenings. Consequently, we will continue to hold this online via School Cloud during this academic year. These are renamed now as Progress Evenings. Each year group will have two dates across a week, and teaching staff will communicate their availability across the two evenings. This is to enable you, as parents, to see as many of your child’s teachers as possible and to allow staff greater flexibility, and to see more of the students they teach. Dates of these are already in our school calendar on our website.
School Uniform Review: 49% of respondents stated that you find the cost of current uniform is appropriate, with 35% stating that it is too costly. 82% of you said that it is easy to purchase items when you need them and 98% replied that you are aware of the second-hand uniform provision via the RHS PTA uniform sales. Where asked to comment, you generally agreed that the uniform is smart, hard wearing and ‘straightforward’. We received the most comments about potential improvements to the blouse both in KS3 and 4 – style, material and cost, and to elements of the PE kit. We fully appreciate all of the individual comments you shared and will take these into account as we move forward.
Next steps: We have already carried out an initial consultation with our School Council regarding our uniform, students in general share your opinions about the blouse, but also have stronger but very sensible views on elements of the PE kit and other uniform rules. This year we will continue to work with them as we review and will update and consult with you again later in the year.
Arkwright Engineering Scholarship Award
Congratulations to Jen Juckes-Paton in Year 12 who has been awarded an Arkwright scholarship to provide a mentor and a financial grant to support her A-level STEM subjects, with the aim of pursuing an Engineering degree or apprenticeship.
If you are in Year 11 currently and also thinking of studying STEM A-level subjects and planning a career in Engineering, read more about the Scholarship below. If you would like to be nominated for the application process, please email Mrs Mighall by 1st December.
Now heading into its 30th year, the Scholarship provides young people in the UK with a fully sponsored programme of hands-on experience, professional mentorship and careers guidance throughout their A-levels.
With women currently accounting for just 22% of the STEM workforce, the Arkwright Engineering Programme aims to close the gender gap and support young people from all backgrounds with the skills and confidence to change the world through engineering. Arkwright Engineering Scholars benefit from exclusive networking opportunities and real-world learning experiences with leading engineering firms such as the IET, the RAF, Rolls Royce and Network Rail. The programme aims to break down the misconceptions which some young people may have around working in STEM and offer exposure to inspiring female engineering role models.
Super Swimmers in National Competitions
Over the summer Morgan Brand, year 12, and Annabel Crees, year 11, competed at both the British and English nationals. Morgan swam the 200 breaststroke at British and made the final, coming 8th, and in the English she swam the 100 breaststroke and came 2nd. Annabel swam the 50, 100 and 200 backstroke at British, and came 1st in the 100, made the final and came 6th in the 200 and came 1t2th in the 50 and for English she swam the 100 and 50 freestyle and the 100 butterfly, coming 15th in the 50 free, 11th in the 100 fly and made the final for the 100 free and came 6th. Huge congratulations to them both and here they are with their medals above.
All year 7 parents and guardians are invited to 'Tea, talk and tour' on Tuesday 8th November from 4 - 5pm.
200 Club Tickets for 2022-23
Have you considered buying a 200 Club share (or more)? Joining in with 200 Club is a great way to show your support for your child’s school PTA. Last year we raised over £650 for those 'little extras' around school & gave out £654 in prizes.
A share costs £12 and you will be entered into monthly and quarterly draws throughout the year – that’s 40 chances of getting a cash prize. And the more shares you buy the greater the chance of winning!!
If you’d like to be involved, you can click here for a printable form or use our new online form 2022-23 and pay via bank transfer.
A big thank you to all those who have already entered. All tickets will be sent out to you after half term.
Best wishes, Tess Juckes, 200 Club Organiser
Christmas is coming!
Create a beautiful Christmas wreath to decorate your home this year. Hosted by the PTA this fundraising event includes a festive drink and nibble and all the materials to make your wreath.
Buy your tickets via Parentmail today!
The Great European Bake Off!
This week our Modern Foreign Languages department held the Great European Bake Off in celebration of the European Day of Languages 2022. The cake competition was entered by many students with beautifully-designed and delicious-smelling cakes! The atmosphere was tense at break-time as judging commenced and the competitors waited for the announcement of the winners.
Miss Holland and Mrs Grimes congratulated everyone who took part and assured us it was a tough decision. And the winners were: for creativity - Niamh’s Nessie cake; for considering a country’s traditions - Laura’s Polish plum cake and for considering what a country is famous for - Jessie’s Italian gelato cake. Well done to all!
Canteen's Diversity Week
This week the canteen has also been celebrating European Day of Languages by providing meals from five different countries, one country each day! Food from Germany, France, Spain and Italy have featured with beef goulash and Hungarian chocolate cake rounding off the week tomorrow.
Peer Listeners appointed
Following a successful application process, we are delighted that 28 students have been selected to be a part of the school’s Peer Listening team and will receive training from Leicester Samaritans.
Our peer support programme is part of the whole school’s focus on promoting student welfare and, in particular, raising awareness of the importance of emotional well-being. The listening team will provide all students with additional people with whom they can share concerns of any type, independent of teaching staff and formal school structures. Normally, we would expect students to discuss such matters with a parent, teacher, or other responsible adults. Sometimes, however, they might be hesitant to do so; they might feel more comfortable speaking with another student first. After training in October Peer Listeners will be available at breaks and lunchtimes.
Safe parking and crossing
We have been contacted by a neighbour of the school who is concerned about the safety of students crossing local roads at the start and end of the school day. Please park considerately for local residents and take extra care crossing Longrood Road, as it is extremely busy at drop-off and pick-up times. The safety of our students is paramount and we also wish to be considerate to the local community.
Finding your Lost Property
We have implemented a new system for returning lost property to students. If you find lost property around the school, please take it to reception. If it is named, the student will receive an email asking them to come and collect it. If not, it will be placed in the new lost property cupboard under the stairs that lead to the Year 12 Common Room. After one month unclaimed property will be recycled, given to charity or to the PTA for resale.
Reading Room opening
The re-designed Reading Room for years 7 to 11 is now back in reception and will be open at lunchtimes from 3rd October! For next week it will only be open for year 7 students on Monday. After this week, students from all year groups will be able to use the room on Mondays as well.
Enjoy your reading!

by Ted Hughes
Against the rubber tongues of cows and the hoeing
hands of men
Thistles spike the summer air
Or crackle open under a blue-black pressure.
Every one a revengeful burst
Of resurrection, a grasped fistful
Of splintered weapons and Icelandic frost thrust up
From the underground stain of a decayed Viking.
They are like pale hair and the gutturals of dialects.
Every one manages a plume of blood.
Then they grow grey, like men.
Mown down, it is a feud. Their sons appear,
Stiff with weapons, fighting back over the same ground.
School Vacancies
Please visit our website to view the latest job vacancies at the school and find out how to apply.
Visit the vacancies web page
For RHS Students ONLY
If you have a concern about another student, please fill in this form to report your concern.
For more information about Wellbeing including resources and links to our DSL's, please visit our Wellbeing page here.
Please find below information that has been passed to us that may be of interest to you and your family.

Warwickshire Family Information Service Newsletter
6th September Edition
The School Newsletter is sent out every other Thursday during Term time.