News from Mr Grady
12th October 2023
Hello Everyone,
As I opened up my “newsletter” files today to think about what I’d like to share with you all, it struck me that I’ve been writing a newsletter since September 2019, and I wondered how many newsletters it was that I had written. (I should say at this point, that I have been out of school training for nearly a fortnight, and my list of “to do items” is extensive and requires my immediate attention, so of course, in the way of all people feeling that they’ve got a lot to do, what I did was find a distraction that meant I felt like I was doing something useful but wasn’t actually doing anything useful.) Yes, in the face of a huge, great pile of work, I opted for “avoidance:” I counted up how many newsletters I’d written.
It’s one hundred and twenty one, if you’re interested. That’s a lot of words. I didn’t count the daily writing to staff students and parents during the lockdowns. And, despite thinking it would be a good idea, I also didn’t count up how many times I’ve used the phrase “kindness, care and respect” and nor did I (although I really wanted to…) sort them into themes and topics to see what I’d spoken about the most and what I’d mentioned the least. Because, at that point, I realised that what I was doing was avoiding the things I needed to address, and I had to stop myself, and knuckle down. Self-awareness is a useful thing.
This week, as part of our tutor programme, some of our year groups will be “taking stock” of the term so far – what’s gone well, where do you feel successful, and what might need a little more focus, or more of your attention. And it’s easy, isn’t it, when you feel like you’ve got a lot on, not to take that moment to look at reflecting and taking the time to check you’re still heading in the right direction. Like me, counting newsletters, we can get distracted or convinced that if we “just do this thing” it will all be fine. But we have to be more honest with ourselves than that.
It’s so easy when taking stock to think “well I couldn’t do that because of this person, or that barrier, or this thing,” and not go: “What might I need to change about myself, or reflect on about myself, or change in my behaviour to make a difference?” And it’s really easy to distract oneself with a million other things, rather than getting on with the task at hand. It’s so easy to say: “I’ll address that after my mocks, after the next piece of work, next half term,” when in fact, addressing a misconception, or a concern, or a piece of work now, with your teacher, or with other support is exactly the thing to do. It just needs that first step of self-realisation, that “the difference is going to come from me.”
So, as I put away the calculator, and stop re-reading what I happened to write to the community back in October 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019 “just to see if there’s a theme,” I am making the difference myself – and starting in on my tasks for the day, because if I want there to be a difference, it’s going to have to come from me first!
With all best wishes,
Mr Grady
House captains announced
Our new house captains are:
Rauf: Megha and Evie
Holmes: Kamshika and Danielle
Seacole: Hamsi and Elisabeth
Glennie: Juliet and Daisy
More photos and Sports Captains to follow!
Access our E Library
The E Library is back up and running! It offers 1000's of fiction and some non-fiction books electronically. All students need to access it is a device, wifi and their school log in and password. They can then access our E Library from across the world. They can choose a variety of languages, fonts and colours to read in – so it is accessible to all.
Scan the QR code above or click here to access the E Library.
The Great European Bake Off Winners
In our last newsletter we shared some pictures of the fantastic entries in our Great European Bake Off. Here are the names of all the brilliant winners!
Creative Showstopper Cake Award
Jesse, Year 10 - Spaghetti & Meatballs
Traditional European Cake Award
Nicole, Year 7 - Sicilian Orange Cake
Year 13 Student Choice Award
Molly, Year 7 - Pan European Cupcakes
Highly Commended
Emily, Year 9 - Beans on Toast
Highly Commended
Maddie, Ella, and Sofia Year 9 - A Cup of Tea
Well done to everyone who entered and to our winners!
Newsletter Unsubscribe issue
We are still having an issue with the unsubscribe function on this newsletter. I am aware of a number of parents / carers whose students have now left the school who are still receiving the newsletter despite requesting to be unsubscribed. Please accept our apologies for this, we are working to resolve it as soon as possible.
Engineering Careers advice
Hannah Marchant visited our Year 13 Physics students on Monday 1st October to share her advice about applying to university and how her career has developed. She talked about her UCAS application, her Mechanical Engineering degree in Hull, Masters degree at Loughborough and her exciting career working in the Nuclear Energy Industry which involves working on Nuclear power stations and navy vessels all over the country and abroad.
It was really lovely to see an ex-student doing so well and that they were so willing to pass on their enthusiasm, advice and experience to the next generation.
Geography competition winners
Well done to our students who entered the Royal Geographical Society's Young Geographer of the Year competition. The theme was 'A blueprint for the future' and the Society was looking for innovative ideas to address problems in areas such as food production and supply, energy and sustainability, water security, population growth, transport, biodiversity and more.
Congratulations to our winning entries:
KS3: Sofia, Year 8 and Gabriella Year 8
KS4: Rachel, Year 11 and Ria Year 11
Highly Commended:
KS3: Aashna, Year 8 and KS4: Claudia, Year 11
Well done to all students for some really fantastic entries
Ella, Year 9, Abigail, Year 8, Kasandra, Year 9, Dhanya, Year 8 and Annie, Year 9.
Magic Dust Award
Our MFL Department has just awarded the very first "Poussière magique" of the year to Molly, Year 7, for speaking French regularly in class.
"Poussière magique" and "Polvo mágico" are awarded to celebrate the superpower of speaking another language, and to earn their magic dust, students have to have spoken French or Spanish 24 times in front of the class. Congratulations Molly!
Miss Plummer’s winning veg
Miss Plummer has grown some pumpkins and the biggest one came 7th in the competition at her allotment at 33lbs (the winner was 69lb 12oz).
Students should look out for a chance to grow their own - potentially prize-winning - pumpkins - possibly in the new year.
Dr Brown is in the photo too because she and her children watered them in the summer when Miss Plummer was away!
OCR bursary for Cambridge University
OCR has announced it is awarding bursaries to thirteen highly talented students from schools and colleges across the West Midlands going to study at the University of Cambridge.
One of our students, Saffi-Mae, is one of the 13 recipients of this bursary who is going on to study at Cambridge.
This is the 20th anniversary of the OCR bursary programme which has supported 200 young people with financial support worth around two million pounds.
Each student will receive an annual bursary of £3,000 for every year of their undergraduate degree at the University of Cambridge, which can be spent on living costs or college fees.
Routes into STEM
For Year 9s and 10s who are interested in a career in STEM subjects and would like to apply their science to projects and find out about careers in STEM then read on!
The Engineering Development Trust (etrust) is now accepting applications for their popular Virtual Routes into STEM course. This course will allow students in Year 9 and 10 to recognise the variety of opportunities available to them after taking their GCSEs. It will give them access to key information on different pathways, College, University and a STEM Career.
The course will run during the period 2nd October 2023 – 2nd August 2024 and students can join anytime and can complete it flexibly within this time.
Diverse live interactive sessions will take place throughout the duration of the course, these will be available during school holidays and after school. Students will be able to listen and ask questions to a variety of STEM professionals and student ambassadors. Students will also choose from a range of exciting projects, developed by their University and Industry partners, to work on during the course. Please click on this link to view the Flyer.
For more info and the application form visit their website.
Foyles poetry competition
We're celebrating the success of Ananditha, in year 10, and Arthur, in year 13, who are both winners in The Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award. They were in the top 100 winning entries out of over 15,000 poems submitted by 11-17 year olds, which is a huge achievement!
The Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award is the biggest poetry competition for 11-17 year olds in the world. Since it began 25 years ago, the Award has kickstarted the career of some of today’s most exciting new voices.
Ananditha and Arthur were invited to Shakepeare’s Globe in London on 5th October to receive their prizes. The top 100 winning poets, were announced in a ceremony where all the poets commended in the competition were celebrated. The commended poems will be published in an online anthology in spring 2024. Well done to them both!
PTA 200 Club

Please will you consider buying a 200 Club share (or more)? You get the chance of winning in the monthly and quarterly draws at the same time as raising funds to support your child’s time at RHS. Last year, the PTA paid out over £5000 for extra-curricular “bids” from the school, of which over £600 was raised from the 200 Club! Some examples of things the PTA have supported have been the Gold Crest Award, support for the Curriculum Enhancement Week (the activities in the last week of the school year), support for Codes4Drones day and many more.
A share costs £12 and you will be entered into monthly and quarterly draws throughout the year – that’s 40 chances of getting a cash prize. And the more shares you buy the greater the chance of winning!
If you’d like to be involved, you can click here for a printable form – either hand this in to reception or email it back to RHS200Club@rugbyhighschool.co.uk. Payment is by cheque or via bank transfer. Deadline for applications is 27th October.
A big thank you to all those who have already entered. All tickets will be sent out to you after half term.
Best wishes, Tess Juckes, 200 Club Organiser
Appeal from the Biomedsoc
Netball success
Last Thursday evening saw our year 8 netball team take on Ashlawn. Some quick passing and accurate shots saw Rugby 5-1 up by the end of the first quarter.
Buoyed by the first quarter performance, Rugby’s second quarter performance mirrored the first with some really strong passages of play. However, Ashlawn pushed on and the second quarter ended 9-7.
From this point on, Rugby made amazing drives forward, feeding the circle with great accuracy. This enabled Rugby to score an astounding 11 more goals.
A slight hiccup late on in the game saw Minal score a great goal, but unfortunately at the wrong end! This made Minal Ashlawn’s player of the match. Final score 20-9!
Overall, a fantastic result for our team and we’re ready and raring to go for the next match!
More Netball News
On Tuesday 10th October 2023, we played Avon Valley School in a netball match, and we won 5:2! It was a very competitive match with great chances from us and the other team. Player of the match was Evelyn. Winning the game means that we're at the top of our group and will go on to win more games!
Evelyn, Year 8
Jessica's Sailing Success
Jessica in Year 9 had a fabulous summer of sailing starting with the ITCA Worlds Topper World Championship in Cork. There were over 200 sailors competing from 9 countries. Jessica finished 4th overall, 1st Female and 1st Junior.
Jessica also attended the ITCA GBR Topper Nationals where she sailed amazingly and won the event, convincingly beating the new world champion in the process. Jess is the second female to win the National title in its recorded 38 year history and the youngest winner ever. As a result of this Jessica has been invited to the Endeavour Event. Held on the tidal waters of the rivers Crouch and Roach at the end of every year, this is an invitation-only three day event, with the guest-list hand-picked from National Champions of selected recognised fleets. The RYA recognises The Endeavour as the pinnacle of that year’s dinghy sailing achievements which will hail a ‘Champion of Champions’.
Free webinars to attend

Elevate Education will be hosting their next parent webinar on exam preparation on 17th October, 6 - 7pm: How You Can Help Your Child Prepare for Exams.
Sign up for the session below to learn how you can help your child to get ready for their assessments and walk into the exam hall feeling confident and prepared. Here’s what Elevate will be covering on the night:
✅ Prioritise your child’s high-impact work to maximise marks
✅ Improve your child’s time management to avoid last-minute preparation
✅ Help your child study effectively using past papers
Sign up here

How to Cut a Pomegranate
Imtiaz Dharker
Never,' said my father,
'Never cut a pomegranate
through the heart. It will weep blood.
Treat it delicately, with respect.
Just slit the upper skin across four quarters.
This is a magic fruit,
so when you split it open, be prepared
for the jewels of the world to tumble out,
more precious than garnets,
more lustrous than rubies,
lit as if from inside.
Each jewel contains a living seed.
Separate one crystal.
Hold it up to catch the light.
Inside is a whole universe.
No common jewel can give you this.’
Afterwards, I tried to make necklaces
of pomegranate seeds.
The juice spurted out, bright crimson,
and stained my fingers, then my mouth.
I didn't mind. The juice tasted of gardens
I had never seen, voluptuous
with myrtle, lemon, jasmine,
and alive with parrots’ wings.
The pomegranate reminded me
that somewhere I had another home.
All things Poetry found at Poetry by Heart
Please find below information that has been passed to us that may be of interest to you and your family.

Warwickshire Family Information Service Newsletter
10th October Edition
The School Newsletter is sent out every other Thursday during Term time.