News from Mr Grady
21st June 2024
Hello Everyone,
This feels like it has been a week full of a variety of lovely moments. On Wednesday it was national thank a teacher day, and staff were so pleased to receive individual messages of thanks from students, for their efforts and commitment, as well as sharing a wonderful video of our students thanking the full range of colleagues that work so hard on their behalf.
In addition, we also had our open evening for prospective year 4 and 5 students, and the school was rammed (I mean RAMMED) full of excited younger students and their parents as they toured the school with our own students, and got a real taste of RHS life. I mean that in the literal sense, as our canteen was open and doing a roaring trade.
It is such a joy to see the school on Open Evening, as we all, staff and students, are so proud to share the RHS experience and welcome prospective students and families through our doors.
And finally, on Friday, it is the last exam of the exam season. Years 11 and 13, ably supported by Mrs Wallace, our exams officer, and her crack team of invigilators have worked through hundreds of exam hours, produced thousands of pages of answers and can now justifiably take a well-earned break, after a job well done. Although August will of course bring results, for now, our year 11 and 13 can sit back and enjoy a long and restful Summer break, although I am sure in many cases, parents and families will be giving them a list of “jobs to do” to keep them occupied.
Although we take great pride at RHS that we are not an exam factory, it does always feel like a wonderful relief when the exam season comes to an end. For many students, we know the peace of sitting in an exam and showing just what you can do is actually quite a positive experience, with no surprises in the exams, and the chance to focus. For others it’s not always the most relaxing period, but the great achievement for everyone is to have worked your way through the culmination of 5 or 7 years’ hard work.
Nearly half-way through the summer term already and we’re ticking off the milestones of the last few weeks of the academic year!
I look forward to the flurry of activities and excitement we have ahead of us in the next 4 weeks!
Stay well and safe everyone,
With all best wishes,
Mr Grady
Summer Recital
Our Summer Recital will be held on on Friday 12th July from 6 – 8pm in the Music Centre. Our orchestra and Rock Band will be performing and tickets will go on sale shortly via ParentMail (£5), RHS students are free. We look forward to welcoming you to this music-filled evening!
Intermediate Biology Olympiad 2024

Congratulations to the Year 12 students who participated in the Intermediate Biology Olympiad. In the first year that we competed, 2018, we had an excellent result, with the five participants earning 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze awards. This year 28 students took part, receiving Gold, Silver, Bronze, Highly Commended, Commended and Participation Awards. This is an excellent achievement, and will hopefully be a useful addition to their UCAS applications.
The podium winners are:
Bronze: Agata Borowiec, Ameera Hashmi, Simrah Irfan, Arshnoor Kochhar, Faye Bennett, Temi Amore-Apena and Sasha Bobby.
Silver: Nina Was
Gold: Charlotte Adams
Approximately, 1/3 of all entrants achieved any of the above awards, demonstrating a superb result for our students. However, only 5% of students who participated achieved the Gold standard, so Charlotte has done really well.
Biology Olympiad
Next year in January/February 2025 Year 13 Biology students will be invited to participate in the British Biology Olympiad, an advanced problem solving competition for A level students and entry point for the International Biology Olympiad. The IBO seeks to challenge by both theory and practical tests some of the top pre-university biology students in the world, with over sixty countries taking part.
The top-scoring students in the BBO will be invited to complete further practical and theoretical training and assessments in order to select a team to represent the UK at the IBO.
Perhaps it might be you!?
Mr Koe, Curriculum Leader: Biology
Football Activators’ Inspirational Day
On Friday 14th June our Football Activators, alongside sports leaders from Harris and Avon Valley, visited Wolverhampton University for a celebration event with careers advice and a coaching session. This was a reward for completing their level 1 CIMSPA Multiskills coaching award with Simon King, the School Games Organiser at Harris.
They had a taster day for the Football Coaching and Performance degree course, and met Kerys Harrop, who is a sports lecturer and a former professional footballer. Kerys has played for England U19s and U20s and has made the most league appearances of any player in the WSL, for Birmingham City and on loan to Tottenham. The students enjoyed an outdoor session and learned some fun new games to try in their own coaching, then had the chance to use some state-of-the-art performance analysis software to annotate a clip of a super league game. They learned about Kerys' route into the role she has now, including the outstanding academic achievements she has gained, including a first from Loughborough and two Masters degrees, alongside her footballing career. It was both an inspirational and a fun day out for everyone. We are very grateful for the opportunity provided by Simon, for both the qualification and the trip!
Wanted – Pre-loved uniform and DofE kit
The PTA's next pre-loved uniform sale is coming up on Saturday 13th July at school.
If you have any outgrown but not outworn school uniform, DofE kit or textbooks to donate please send them into school.
The PTA is pleased to accept clean blazers, skirts, trousers, jumpers and cardigans, sports kit (hoodies, shirts, skorts), football boots, trainers plus school text books. The PTA is also happy to receive donations of good-condition equipment, clothing or boots from Duke of Edinburgh expeditions.
If you plan to buy new sports uniform, please consider not having your daughter’s name added to shirts and hoodies as this makes the items easier to re-use. Thanks for your support!
Year 10 attend STEM Careers Event at Rugby School
On Thursday 13th June, 15 students went to Rugby School with Dr Fletcher and Mrs Goodwin to attend an interesting morning of Science and Technology related careers and challenges.
The students took part in talks and a "Speed Dating" event with STEM ambassadors from a wide range of roles and were also set a challenge.
The ‘Speed Dating’ activity involved the girls circulating among the STEM ambassadors in five-minute intervals to ask questions and discuss successes and challenges that they may have encountered in their career paths. The ‘One Minute Timer Challenge entailed a STEM-focused one minute building challenge along with some of Rugby’s current Sixth Form girls studying Physics.
Maskeen said: "I found the event an extremely fascinating and inspiring experience, with the activities and talks interesting all of us! It was incredible to hear from female workers in STEM fields and learning about their experiences, challenges and successes. Ranging with jobs from aeronautical engineers, pharmacists, thermal engineers, mechanical engineers and bank accountants, it was truly empowering and insightful to hear about the endless possibilities that there are in STEM fields, for women too.”
"Participating in the hands-on activity was also very enjoyable - in groups, we each applied our problem-solving skills and creativity into turning a light bulb on; using foil, bottles, boards, marbles, sand and more, we triggered a mechanism to eventually turn on a light bulb. The activity really gave me an idea of the creativity and innovation that STEM fields offer!"
Football level 3 finals - Year 7 and 8 Win Develop competition!
Pictured: l-r, Dr Brown, Katie C, Anya H, Sofia A, Nimi K, Ella J, Mr Phillips, sitting Abi D, Louise M.
Our squad of year 7s and 8s got off to a promising start with a 1-0 win against Myton, thanks to a goal from Anushay, set up with a lovely goal kick from Abi. Our luck held into the second game, where we beat a strong team from Smiths Wood 2-1, thanks to some great saves from Abi and two fantastic goals from Anya. In our third game, we beat Ernesford Grange 3-0, two more from Anya and one from Nimi.
We were delighted to hold another strong team from Queen Elizabeth Academy to a 0-0 draw, and went on to beat Light Hall 2-0 with another goal each from Nimi and Anya, plus a couple of close shots from Louise and Anya, and lovely passing from Katie in midfield.
We went into the final game knowing victory was close, but Sidney Stringer held us to a 0-0 draw until with 3 minutes to go, we subbed on Anya and Nimi, and then won 4-0 with two from Anya, one from Anushay and one from Abi, our clean sheet helped by a brilliant diving save from Louise in goal and strong defending from Ella J and Sofia A.
We were delighted to win the competition by just one point, but Dr Brown and Mr Phillips are most proud of our team for winning the Values Award for strong team spirit and respect shown to referees and opposition players. Player of the tournament is Louise, for her willingness to play anywhere and her determination. Golden boot is of course Anya, but did I mention that of Nimi’s goal megged the goalie?
A fabulous day all round.
Years 9 and 10 Develop competition
Pictured: Standing l-r, Dr Brown, Sofia A, Olivia N, Diana O, Izzy B, Poppy F, Evelyn H, Ella M, Anya H, Ella J, Mr Phillips. Sitting l-r, Sofia BR, Louise M, Zoe C, Abi D, Nimi K, Katie C.
Football level 3 finals 5-a-side: Year 9&10 Compete competition
The Years 9 and 10 Compete Competition started very positively for RHS with an excellent 1-0 victory over Nicholas Chamberlain. The team twice went close, with excellent shots from Diana and Evelyn, before taking the lead with a great follow-up effort from Olivia. Following this, the team showed defensive strength and secured the victory.
Following this, there was a tight 1-0 defeat to Alderbrook. RHS battled well, with Zoe making a number of terrific saves, but could not find an equaliser.
Next, RHS started excellently against Kenilworth with Poppy going close prior to Evelyn scoring the opener of the game. Unfortunately, after this, Kenilworth took control and won the match 3-1.
Our final match was against President Kennedy. Once more, we started very well, with a great finish from Diana, but, in the end, President Kennedy won the match 2-1.
Dr Brown and Mr Phillips were very proud of the team. They showed great determination, resilience and support throughout the tournament. It was a valuable experience, especially for the younger players. Diana was selected as player of the tournament due to her willingness to play anywhere and her resolute performances.
Thanks to Ms Wallace and Rob for driving the minibus and to Think Active and Simon King for organising such a great tournament, we love playing at Rugby Borough!
Year 10s Host Rounders Festival
On Weds 12th June we hosted a Primary Rounders Festival, welcoming children from 8 different primary schools around the area. In order for this event to be able to run efficiently, we always produce 12 leaders to help, officiate the competition, manage results and hand out the certificates. The Year 10 rounders team were given this privilege and they did a fantastic job, deemed, "the best we've ever had" according to the organisers. Primary School staff were also full of compliments for them at the end of the day. Well done for demonstrating exactly what it is to be a confident, knowledgeable, resilient and self-assured member of our school.
Rounders round-up so far
Even the poor weather has not managed to stop our success on the sports field with both year 9 and 10 winning all their matches against Avon Valley, Ashlawn, Harris, Rugby Free and Houlton. The year 9’s had so many players turning up to practise that we had a different team for each match just showing how skilful and versatile the girls are. The year 10’s had their consistent 9 players each match. They were very tuned into each other playing extremely efficiently as a fielding team, each match getting many opposition batters out jogging their way to 4th post thinking they were safe!
Year 7 and 8 fixtures are still to come but fingers crossed for the same success!
Athletics action
This term there have been a number of Athletics competitions happening. We’ve had English Schools Athletics, for Year 7/8 and 9/10. This involves competing against schools from all over Warwickshire, and every athlete has to do two events. Always extra kudos given to our students that volunteer for Long Jump or Triple Jump, when we don’t actually have a jump pit for them to practice in!
Then we had the Rugby Town Athletics competition against all of our local rival schools. This was for year 9 and 10 (Year 7 and 8 to follow on 26th June). This event happens every year and Princethorpe and Rugby School are always the ones to beat. This year our Year 9 AND our Year 10 teams both came 2nd to strong Princethorpe sides. We are extremely proud of everyone’s performance and delighted to get the silver.
Off the back of their performance in this competition, 4 athletes were selected to represent the Eastern Area in the Warwickshire Championships on 8th June. Ella Godfrey (Yr9) for 100m and relay, Esther Hutchins-Morant (Yr9) for 1500m, Merryn Hutchins-Morant (Yr9) for 800m and Olivia McGhee (Yr10) for 1500m. These students work extremely hard out of school to advance their abilities and it’s great when that is recognised and they get to compete at higher levels.
Esther and Merryn now have the opportunity to go one step further, and they will be in the team for the next round, Inter Counties Mason Trophy. We wish them lots of luck and success in their events.
Free webinar coming up
Elevate Education will be hosting their next parent webinar on motivation on Tuesday 2nd July, 6pm - 7pm. Sign up for the session to learn how you can help keep your child motivated.
✅ How to Get (And Keep) Your Child Motivated
Click here to register for free

Don Paterson
Waking with Russell
Whatever the difference is, it all began
the day we woke up face-to-face like lovers
and his four-day-old smile dawned on him again,
possessed him, till it would not fall or waver;
and I pitched back not my old hard-pressed grin
but his own smile, or one I'd rediscovered.
Dear son, I was mezzo del cammin
and the true path was as lost to me as ever
when you cut in front and lit it as you ran.
See how the true gift never leaves the giver:
returned and redelivered, it rolled on
until the smile poured through us like a river.
How fine, I thought, this waking amongst men!
I kissed your mouth and pledged myself forever.
All things Poetry found at Poetry by Heart
Teacher of Mathematics: Maternity cover – Fixed 1 Year Contract
Full-Time, Start date: November 2024
We are delighted to offer the opportunity for a qualified teacher able to teach Mathematics to students in Years 7-11 (the ability to teach A level Mathematics, would be an advantage but is not essential).
We welcome applications from teachers at all stages in their career including those returning to teaching and NQTs. We offer a full induction programme, extensive professional development opportunities and a rich menu of extra-curricular activities.
- Would you like to teach able, polite, motivated students who want to learn?
- Would you like to be part of a highly successful Mathematics Department?
- Are you passionate about your subject?
If so, then we might have just the job for you!
Please contact Mike Sherwin on the details below for further information and an application form.
T: 07525 889925
E: rugbyhighschool@hays.com
Closing date for applications: 9am Monday 24th June
Interviews: W/B Monday 1st July 2024
Teacher of Sociology: Maternity cover – Fixed 1 Year Contract
Part time 0.6FTE, Start date: November 2024
We are delighted to offer the opportunity for an enthusiastic Teacher of Sociology to join our thriving department from November 2024. Our students are bright, engaged with their learning and want to make the most of the opportunities available. We welcome applications from subject specialists able to teach Sociology to KS5.
We welcome applications from teachers at all stages in their career including those returning to teaching and NQTs. We offer a full induction programme, extensive professional development opportunities and a rich menu of extra-curricular activities.
- Would you like to teach able, polite, motivated students who want to learn?
- Would you like to be part of a highly successful Sociology Department?
- Are you passionate about your subject?
If so, then we might have just the job for you!
Please contact Mike Sherwin on the below details for further information and an application form.
T: 07525 889925
E: rugbyhighschool@hays.com
Closing date for applications: 9am Monday 24th June 2024
Interviews: W/B Monday 1st July 2024
Teacher of Chemistry: Maternity Cover – Fixed 1 Year contract
Part Time 0.6, Start date: November 2024
We are delighted to offer the opportunity for an enthusiastic Teacher of Chemistry to join our thriving department from November 2024. Science is one of our most popular subjects; our students are bright, engaged with their learning and want to make the most of the opportunities available. We welcome applications from Science specialists able to teach Chemistry to KS4 and Science at KS3. A Level teaching may be available for a suitably qualified candidate.
We welcome applications from teachers at all stages in their career including those returning to teaching and ECTs. We offer a full induction programme, extensive professional development opportunities and a rich menu of extra-curricular activities.
- Would you like to teach able, polite, motivated students who want to learn?
- Would you like to be part of a highly successful Chemistry Department?
- Are you passionate about your subject?
If so, then we might have just the job for you.
Please contact Mike Sherwin on the below details for further information and an application form.
T: 07525 889925
E: rugbyhighschool@hays.com
Closing date for applications: 9am Monday 24th June 2024
Interviews: W/B Monday 1st July
Please find below information that has been passed to us that may be of interest to you and your family.

Warwickshire Family Information Service Newsletter
18th June Edition
The School Newsletter is sent out every other Thursday during Term time.