2016 Year 13 Leavers

What They Did Next: the Class of 2016
The majority of Year 13 chose to go to university. Of the 127 students who applied and were offered a place, 50.4% ended up accepting a place at a Russell Group university. Students choices of university were wide ranging: the Class of 2016 are now studying in 56 different universities. The most popular universities last year were Nottingham (chosen by 8 students), Exeter and Manchester (both chosen by 7 students). Law was the most popular choice of subject (chosen by 8 students) followed by Psychology, History, Mathematics, Medicine and Pharmacy. The majority of students chose to go directly to university. Nine students made the choice to defer their place for a year.
We are looking forward to meeting last year’s Year 13 at prize giving and hearing about how their first term at university has gone.
If you would like to find out more about our leavers’ destinations you can do so by viewing the excel attachment, where you will find details of the universities and the courses for which they were accepted.