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Explaining Your Child's Progress Check​​​​​​​

Students receive progress checks through the academic year with an emphasis on effort and attitude to learning. 

Guidance on the data in the Progress Check for parents

In KS3 Progress Checks will refer to levels and in KS4 and KS5 to grades, these will have been awarded by their teacher based on GCSE and A Level work. 

Please discuss the Progress Check with your child.  If you have any queries please contact with the email subject 'Progress Check.'

Please see further details in the curriculum guides for your year group below, where you will find what your child has been learning and what they are able to do. These guides also have a detailed explanation of what the sections of the Progress Check mean. 

RHS Curriculum Guides

These booklets are designed to give parents and students an overview of students’ progress through the curriculum; focussing on their knowledge and skills.  You will find a one-page guide to each subject’s curriculum for each term. 

Year 7 Curriculum

Year 8 Curriculum

Year 9 Curriculum