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Ofsted and Performance Data

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Rugby High School performance data

The headline information for Rugby High in 2023 is as follows:

KS4 in 2023: 

The progress 8 Score -  0.79: 'Well Above Average'

The attainment 8 score - 76.4

% pupils achieving grade 5 or above in English and maths - 98.3% 

Pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate  - 80

Pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate  - 78

97% of students stay in education or employment after KS4

Nearly 7% of the cohort gained eight grade 9s or more.

79% of all grades awarded were grades 9-7. 

Nearly a third of all grades awarded this year are a grade 9 and well over half of all grades are grades 9-8. 


KS5 in 2023:

Average A level grade - B+ 

% students completing the programme of study - tbc 

KS5 Destinations 2022:

Students continuing in education = Over 83%

Students taking a gap year and/or reapplying for university = 11%

Students entering employment = 2%

Students entering apprenticeships = 0%

Students destination unknown / undecided = 3%


Ofsted Report

The last Ofsted Report is available below.