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Computer Science

Computer Science at Rugby High School

Computer Science Department Vision Statement
  • Academic excellence through outstanding teaching. 
  • To create brave, independent digital citizens 
  • Esafety and the safety of our students is the most important aspect of Computer Science, to develop Resilient, Healthy and Successful Students

The curriculum is broken into three strands; Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.

Computer Science

Computer Science is a practical subject where students can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real-world systems. It’s an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement and can look at the natural world through a digital prism.

The primary focus is to develop the students' technical understanding and their ability to analyse and solve problems using computational thinking. Through computational thinking, students will be able to apply the concepts of abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms, and data representation to their daily lives.

Classroom learning is transferred to creating real-world systems through the creation of programming projects. The programming project will give students’ practical experience of solving problems through the capacity to think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically.

Teachers are empowered to explore new teaching methods that will enthuse and engage their learners through the practical application of computational theory.

Information Technology

Empowers a student to use professional software correctly. This includes sending an email appropriately to an intended audience, using Office software to write essays and create spreadsheets and to use the computer to create, store and edit digital content using appropriate file and folder names.

Information technology is used to allow students to express themselves through graphic and video editing software, where possible Information technology allows the students to access the latest software available to students to communicate with an intended audience.

Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the set of competencies required for full participation in a digital society. It includes knowledge, skills, and behaviours involving the effective use of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of communication, expression, collaboration and advocacy. Students are taught how to use computers safely and responsibly. They are given a range of ways to report unacceptable content and contact when online. Digital literacy will provide students with the knowledge of the Laws and ethics involved with using digital devices.

Year 7 Computer Science


  • Stay safe online: understand online safety terms, fake news, social media, the internet, scamming, phishing, grooming, understand online dangers and the methods of reporting and dealing with them, verify websites, emails and people online
  • Log onto a computer: use email, FROG, Office 365
  • Report a technical issue or a safety issue
  • Manipulate folders, files and windows: identify and explain different file types in office
  • Convert a denary number to binary and convert a binary number to denary
  • Add and carry in binary numbers and use an overflow when adding binary numbers
  • Identify numbers in the hexadecimal number system
  • Identify and draw, AND, OR and NOT logic gates: create simple circuits in logic gates and draw a true table for a logic gate
  • Using block-based programming language - Scratch and use text-based programming language – Python
  • Produce outputs in programming languages and ask for a user input programming language – create and store variables
  • Use predefined functions such as print and create user functions 
  • Iterations including for, while and until loops
  • Selection including if, else if and else
  • Produce and follow an algorithm flowchart
  • Write basic pseudocode 


Assessment in Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.


Year 8 Computer Science


  • Online dangers: fake news, social media, verify websites, emails and people online
  • Programming using visual scripts
  • Event – a specific action that takes place during the program
  • Loop – a repeated process
  • Variable – a place in memory that stores data
  • Programming – code that gives instructions to a computer
  • Sequence – the order in which instructions are given
  • Selection – the decisions in code
  • Iteration – repeating processes
  • Identify and explain different file types in Office
  • Convert a denary number to binary and convert a binary number to denary
  • Add binary numbers: add and carry in binary numbers, use an overflow when adding binary numbers
  • Identify numbers in the hexadecimal number system
  • Identify and draw, AND, OR and NOT logic gates
  • Create simple circuits in logic gates and draw a true table for a logic gate
  • Spreadsheets: formatting in Excel, basic formulas e.g SUM, +,-,*,/, mod, goal seek, if count, streaming and filtering, advanced formulas if and then, spreadsheet modelling


Assessment in Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.


Year 9 Computer Science


  • Online dangers
  • Python – Selection, Iteration, Sequencing
  • Reading and writing to a file
  • Creating and defining functions
  • Validation
  • Creating advance programmes in Python
  • Number systems used in computing: Binary, Denary, Hexadecimal and converting between number systems
  • Add and subtracting in binary and binary shifting
  • Identify, draw and explain logic gates
  • Complete Binary Tables
  • Data – Sound
  • Data – images, graphics and video
  • Ethical and cultural factors involved in computer systems and programming
  • Environmental and legal issues involved in computer systems and programming
  • Identify the importance, and purpose, of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in today’s web
  • Identify the role of W3C and identify the purpose of a web browser and the steps taken to retrieve a web page
  • Create a HTML 5 web page using a range of HTML tags and attributes and hyperlink two or more web pages together
  • HTML Tables, Lists and Divisions, Forms and iFrames
  • Simple CSS: The Box Model, Links, Lists and Tables, CSS Layouts
  • Simple JavaScript


Assessment in Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.


GCSE Computer Science

The GCSE Computing course gives students a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works. Students will no doubt be familiar with the use of computers and other related technology from their other subjects and elsewhere. However, this course will give them an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’, including computer programming, which many students find absorbing.

The course will develop critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills through the study of computer programming, giving students a fun and interesting way to develop these skills, which can be transferred to other subjects and even applied in day-to-day life. In this respect, the course provides excellent preparation for students who want to study or work in areas that rely on these skills, especially where they are applied to technical problems. These areas include engineering, financial and resource management, science and medicine.

Year 1 Unit 1 Computer systems Year 2 Unit 1 Programming project
Computer systems Systems Architecture 



Wired and wireless networks

Network topologies, protocols and layers

System security

System software

Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

Students will start their programming project in October and complete this by January

Year 1 Unit 2 Computational thinking, algorithms and programming Year 2  Exam Preparation

Computational thinking, algorithms and programming


Programming techniques

Producing robust programs

Computational logic

Translators and facilities of languages

Data representation


Students will revisit topics from Year 1 and complete a series of mock exams in preparation for the exam in June.


A Level Computer Science

The A Level Computer Science course at RHS is an exciting and highly sort after qualification that gives learners a deep and thorough understanding of the subject. Computer Science is a practical subject where students can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real-world systems. It’s an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement, that can look at the natural world through a digital prism. This Computer Science qualification develops computational thinking, helping students to develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand the power and limits of human and machine intelligence.

Unit 1: Computer Systems Allows students to gain an appreciation of computing principals, including characteristics of contemporary systems architecture using operating systems, software development, introduction to programming, exchanging data, databases, networks and web technologies and computing-related laws

External examination 2 hours and 30 minutes 40% weighting

Unit 2: Algorithms and Programming Students gain an appreciation of designing solutions to particular problems, how procedural programs are structured, the types of data and data structures, the common facilities of procedural languages, how to write maintainable programs, and how to test and run solutions using algorithms.

External examination 2 hours and 30 minutes 40% weighting

Unit 3: Programming Project Students must select a user-driven problem of an appropriate size and complexity to solve. In this project students must demonstrate their ability to analyse the problem, design a solution, implement a solution and evaluate their development and final solution.

Internally assessed externally moderated coursework unit 20% weighting

Year 1 Unit 1 Computer systems Year 2 Unit 1 Programming project
The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices

Software and software development

Exchanging data

Data types, data structures and algorithms

Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues

Students will start their programming project in September and complete this by April

Year 1 Unit 2 Algorithms and programming Year 2  Exam Preparation
Elements of computational thinking

Problem solving and programming

Algorithms to solve problems and standard algorithms


Students will revisit topics from Year 1 and complete a series of mock exams in preparation for the exam in June.