Chemistry at Rugby High School
Chemistry Department Vision Statement
Chemistry has a daily impact on our lives. In studying Chemistry you will gain a scientific understanding of a wide range of issues to make informed decisions.
GCSE Chemistry
Examination Board: AQA
Who should consider Chemistry?
Those who are looking towards the wide range of chemistry-related higher education courses including medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, forensic science, environmental science, veterinary science, pharmacy, optometry, dentistry, nursing, physiotherapy and food science.
Course content
Year 10
Year 10 Topics:
- Atomic structure and the periodic table
- Bonding structure and the properties of matter
- Quantitative chemistry
- Chemical changes
- Energy changes
- The rate and extent of chemical change
Regular assessment of content using past paper-style questions and end of topic tests
Extension activities that parents / carers can undertake to support learning
Encourage students to actively revise by making revision cue cards and mind maps using content from her exercise book and to access materials from the Kerboodle website. Discuss newspaper articles relating to science. Watch Science programmes such as Bang Goes the Theory and Horizon. Purchase a CGP revision guide. Use a variety of websites such as BBC Bitesize to support revision. Encourage them to use past papers as part of their revision to improve exam technique. Visit the Science Museum in London.
Year 11
Year 11 Topics:
- Organic chemistry
- Chemical changes
- Chemistry of the atmosphere
- Using resources
- Key ideas
- Revision activities in preparation for the summer exam
Regular assessment of content using past paper-style questions and end of topic tests and mock exam held in December.
Method of Assessment
Assessment is entirely by examination, with no coursework component. All exams are taken at the end of Year 11.
2 x 105-minute examination papers for each subject, each worth 50% of the final qualification.
A Level Chemistry
The Chemistry A Level course builds on concepts and skills that have been developed at GCSE. It presents Chemistry as an exciting, relevant and challenging subject. Subjects that support Chemistry include Biology, Physics and Maths. However if Chemistry is your only science it will give you useful breadth.
The A Level course has five taught modules plus a module on development of practical skills. Students who can demonstrate competent practical skills throughout the course will be awarded The Practical Endorsement at the end of the course as part of their A Level qualification.
For details of our A Level Chemistry course, click here.
For more details contact:
Mrs L Masterson, Joint Head of Chemistry
Mrs E Maund, Joint Head of Chemistry