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History at Rugby High School

History Department Vision Statement 

Our History course aims to help students to understand the present by the study of the past. It also develops their ability to assess different points of view and make balanced judgements about human affairs. The skills acquired in History lessons will help many girls in their chosen careers and for others provide the starting point for various worthwhile leisure interests.

During their first three years at the school students study various aspects of British, European and World History from the Middle Ages up to the Second World War. Those who opt for GCSE History will study the Twentieth Century in depth, ​Elizabethan England and the history of medicine.  A Level students will study the Communist regimes of the USSR and China in the twentieth century and the history of Ireland during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

The History course includes an extensive range of activities, discussions and videos in class, along with various visits and field trips in the different years of the school.

Year 7 History

Course content:

  • What is meant by chronology
  • What caused the Battle of Hastings
  • Who had power in Medieval England
  • What life was like for different groups in Medieval England
  • What the impact of the Black Death was
  • Successes and limitations of the Islamic Empire
  • The history of Medieval Africa
  • The causes and impact of the Tudor Reformation
  • Similarities between Medieval and Tudor times


Autumn term - Source work baseline assessment, Battle of Hastings causation essay, Source analysis – making inferences

Spring term - Making inferences from a group of sources, Poster – assessing change and continuity in Medieval realms other than England

Summer term - Year 7 exam assessing all skills developed during the year, Short questions assessing change and continuity in Tudor England

Year 8 History

Course content:

  • Analyse the causes of the English Civil War
  • Assess different interpretations of Oliver Cromwell
  • Compare the causes of the French and American Revolutions
  • Explain the significance of the American Revolution on society
  • Explain and analyse changes caused by the Industrial Revolution in Britain
  • Explain the formation of the British Empire
  • Compare different experiences of countries part of the British Empire
  • Assess the legacy of the British Empire
  • Explain what the Slave Trade was
  • Examine the experiences of slaves working on plantations
  • Assess the reasons why the Slave Trade was abolished
  • Identify and explain causes of WWI
  • Assess and compare the experiences of soldiers from across the British Empire
  • Explain what life was like in Britain during WWII
  • Compare the experience in Britain during WWII to the experiences in other countries


Autumn term - Poster outlining causes of different Revolutions, and similarities between them, Essay: To what extent did the American Revolution bring about change?

Spring term - Group presentation: How did life change during the Industrial Revolution?, Sources assessment looking at accuracy of material and identifying provenance

Summer term - Year 8 exam, Individual presentation: What were the experiences of one of the World Wars for people around the world?

Year 9 History

Course content:

  • Collect and analyse Oral History
  • Explain how and why civil rights changed in both the USA and UK in the 20th century
  • Complete a depth study exploring why women were given the vote in Britain in 1918
  • Complete a breadth study exploring how LGBTQ+ rights have changed over time (from Ancient times to the 21st century)
  • Use fashion as a historical source, and explain how changes in fashion can inform us about changes to society over time
  • Assess the causes, events, and significance of the Holocaust
  • Review and evaluate different interpretations of the 20th century conflict between Israel and Palestine


Autumn term -Oral history project (source analysis and evaluation), Essay: Evaluate the reasons why civil rights improved in the USA.

Spring term - Essay: Why did women achieve the vote in 1918?, Individual presentation: How have LGBTQ+ rights changed over time?

Summer term - Year 9 exam, Interpretation assessment: Comparing interpretations on the creation of Israel

GCSE History

Examination Board: AQA

Introduction to the subject at GCSE

History isn’t just facts and figures about the past; it helps you to understand why the world is as it is today. History gives you the skills to decide if you trust information for yourself and to develop your own views and opinions.

Why choose this subject for GCSE?

If you think History may be for you, think about:

  • How much you have enjoyed KS3 History and the topics you have studied
  • How far you like really getting to grips with analysing and evaluating information

History GCSE can be a very useful qualification as:

  • It is a highly recognised qualification by universities and employers
  • It demonstrates your ability to make rational arguments, supported by evidence
  • It will prepare you for a wide variety of careers, for example in the fields of journalism, law, education, government, medicine etc.
  • It will develop your confidence to express opinions verbally
  • The skills you learn in History (such as analysis and evaluation) will help you in your other GCSE subjects

Course content:

We follow the AQA History GCSE (course code 8145), the course is made up of four modules, with no coursework element.

The four modules are:

  1. Germany, 1890 - 1945
  2. Conflict and Tension, 1918 - 1939
  3. Health and the People, c.1000 - the present day
  4. Elizabethan England, 1568-1603

We carry out a wide range of activities in lessons, including:

Debates, role plays, making videos, note taking exercises, revision games and group presentations.

Method of Assessment

The course is assessed by two written exams (both 2 hours duration) at the end of Year 11. Each exam is worth 50% of the GCSE.

A Level History

For details of our A Level History course, click here