Art at Rugby High School
Art Department Vision Statement
We aim to develop visual literacy so that our students will be able to communicate ideas through visual form and so that our students will be able to read, understand and appreciate visual imagery. In our curriculum there is opportunity for students to generate their own creative ideas and as they progress through the years we aim to instil curiosity, confidence and encourage them to develop their own creative voice and personality: we celebrate diversity of ideas/approach and outcomes.
Art is about problem solving and students are encouraged to experiment, take risks and even identify their own problems to solve. We emphasise the value of failure and how to use this in order to move forward with intent and ambition. At GCSE and A Level the students formulate their own personal journey – the destination and the students’ final outcomes are initially unknown and this helps to prepare students for an attitude of excitement for the future and a willingness to be adaptable and open to possibilities.
When formulating their own ideas students are encouraged to consider issues that are relevant and things that they are passionate about. This helps them to develop compassion, empathy and to take their place in the world as Global Citizens; for example, this could be in the form of Protest Art or a more introspective reflection on Culture and Identity.
Year 7 Art and Design
Course content:
- Draw shape, tonal layers and pattern
- Experiment with colour blending and reflect on how well a composition works and how effective the colour blending is
- Develop their ideas and create their own art work based on the skills they have developed
- Understand basic colour theory
- Experiment with paint in order to develop their technical ability
- Develop their ideas with links to inspirational materials
- Experiment with a range of compositions/constructs and will explore mixed media
- Record their ideas with sketches and photograph and refine their work
- Embroidery and textiles design skills
- Annotate their designs with technical information, stitch types and embellishments
- Make contextual connections to the work of key artists
Autumn term - Benchmark, Subtractive technique, Autumn leaves, Architecture study, Moshi Monsters
Spring term - Vegetable Still Life, Exquisite corpse project
Autumn term - Pincushion assessed for stitches and technical skill. Homework research assignment
Year 8 Art and Design
Course content:
- Paint with watercolours and produce a detailed painting of a flower in water
- Use pencil, oil pastel, graphite and white and black ink to layer materials and enlarge a small flower head to create a large scale image
- Produce a series of abstract pieces that explore marks made with different tools and materials
- Design and illuminate letters of the alphabet in an illustrative style
- Experiment with abstract compositions using shapes, lines, marks and collage, inspired by Kandinsky, Ben Nicolson and Beatriz Milhazes
- Use observation studies of ordinary, everyday objects to collages that deconstruct and reconstruct these objects in the style of Synthetic and Analytical Cubism, inspired by the work of Jim Dine
Autumn term - Benchmark assessment: Watercolour painting - Refinement and skill with watercolour, Dhalia Oil Pastel
Spring term - The Dangerous Alphabet - showing experimentation and refinement
Summer term - Abstract composition, Cubist personal response
Year 9 Art and Design
Course content:
- Experiment with paint
- Mixing colour and blend colour
- Capture reflection
- Observe and record a Still Life
- Explore different paint application techniques
- Work with anatomical and botanical imagery
- Study portraiture and proportion
- Consider Culture and Identity in relation to the work of Kehinde Wiley
- Experiment with print design and processes
- Explore mono, press and lino print
Autumn term - Marbles, Vanitas Still Life, Autumn leaves, The Human Condition
Spring term - Culture and Identity: final piece
Summer term - Print project
GCSE Art and Design
Examination Board: OCR Fine Art J171
Who should consider Art and Design GCSE?
If you are interested in a career in Architecture, Film and Animation, Advertising, 3D Design, Interior Design, Textiles, Fashion, Graphics, Illustration, Fine Art, Theatre Design & Costume, Photography and many other creative professions or just enjoy being creative, then you should take a GCSE in Art and Design.
Course content:
The GCSE Art and Design course is a broad-based course, covering a wide range of activities, which may include: Drawing, Painting, Mixed Media, Textiles, Graphic Design, Photography, Digital Illustration, Printing and 3D Design.
In the GCSE Art and Design course the emphasis is as much on the creative process as on the end product. Drawing is also an essential skill in the development process, from initial visual research, recording from primary sources, through to the translation of ideas into finished designs.
During Year 10 and 11 students have the opportunity to visit museums and Art galleries in Oxford and London.
It should be noted that students to may need to provide some of their own personal materials and equipment.
The Coursework Assignment which is worth 60% of the marks involves creating a work journal/sketchbook showing a range of skill-based tasks, personal design work, contextual references, experimentation and the development of ideas culminating in a final outcome to be completed by January of Year 11.
The Externally Set Assignment, worth 40% of the overall marks, is given to the students in January of Year 11 and requires the creation of a new work journal based on a chosen starting point from the OCR question paper, culminating with the completion of a final outcome during a 10-hour, 2-day examination which follows the normal pattern of the school day.
A Level Fine Art/Textiles
For details of our A Level Fine Art/Textiles course, click here.