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Physics Department Vision Statement

Physics is the understanding and explanation of the world around us in terms of matter and energy. It can explain everything from why one mug of tea cools faster than another to calculating the age of the universe. The Physics department runs a range of extra curricular activities to enhance the key concepts covered at GCSE and A-level. These include; trips to CERN, Jodrell bank and various Engineering projects where the students gain BA CREST awards.

Physics is all about thinking logically about the world around you, solving problems and investigating relationships practically and mathematically. Subjects that complement Physics are Maths and Further Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Computing. However, a number of students do study A-level Physics successfully independently of these. If you wish to study Physics to A level, then A level Maths is not a requirement, but it is essential for Physics at university level. Students who study Maths will find Physics a good complementary choice.

Physics provides you with a qualification which equips you with many desirable skills that are relevant to a wide range of professions. Careers where Physics is useful include Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Maths, Teaching, Engineering, Earth Sciences, Meteorology, Accounting, Sports Science etc. The combination of practical skills, together with logical and mathematical ability make Physics a desired and respected qualification for many professions as it provides many transferable skills.

Entrance requirements are a minimum of a grade 6-6 in GCSE Combined Science or grades 666 in GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Physics. A minimum of a grade 6 in higher tier Maths is also required.

Details of topics taught at GCSE can be found below. 

GCSE Physics

Examination board: AQA
Who should consider Physics GCSE by taking Triple Science?

The extra depth gained by taking Triple Science is particularly beneficial for students aiming to pursue science-related degrees or careers and provides a strong foundation for A-level Sciences. For those aspiring to study Sciences at A-level or pursue a science-focused path in the future, Triple Science is highly recommended as it establishes a solid groundwork for further studies.

Year 10

Course content:

  • Energy
  • Electricity
  • Particle Model of Matter
  • Atomic Structure  
  • Forces


  • Regular assessment of content using past paper style questions
  • End of Topic tests
  • Internal Exam

Year 11

Course content:

  • What happens when radioactive substances decay
  • Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion 
  • Medical applications of Physics
  • Using Physics to make things work 
  • Keeping things moving


  • Regular assessment of content using past paper-style questions
  • End of Topic tests
  • Mock Exam and GCSE Physics paper 1 and 2


A Level Physics

For details of our A Level Physics course, click here