PE Round Up
The students have really embraced being outdoors even though the conditions have become increasingly wet and muddy! But as luck would have it, as soon as the weather turned cold, so too did our planned timetable change to indoor lessons. It can rain and snow as much as it likes now as students are in the Sports Hall playing volleyball, dodgeball, doing circuit training and rhythmic gym. The current changes in school life have meant that our Scheme of Work has become more intense: usually we would run a Scheme of Work over 6 or 7 weeks, but now that has been compressed to 3 or 4 weeks. So quite a few students have started to notice that they are getting fitter … and PE staff who are leading every fitness session by example have got EVEN fitter!!
We are now able to offer Sixth Formers PE enrichment again on a Wednesday afternoon and they are playing basketball on the netball courts.
Thanks to the PTA, we are going to be offer 6 weeks of yoga on a Wednesday to those classes that usually have PE on that day. Staff are also going to be able to do yoga at lunchtime.
Whatever next year throws at us we know that we will still be able to offer a wide range of sports inside and out throughout the year.
Ms Wallace, Head of PE