Photography/Cake Baking Competition

In anticipation of World Book Day we are inviting all students and staff to enter the Photographpy and/or cake baking competition.
Hello everyone!
Well, it's very sad that we won't be able to hold our annual Rugby High School Book Character Fancy Dress Day this year.
But we are not daunted by this setback! We can still be creative!
The idea is... photography! We invite you to create scenes or bake cakes (or savoury delights) and photograph them. You can use any available resources to "dress" your scene, get into costume yourself and appear in the scene - and why not get pets involved!
You can enter as many categories as you like:
- Recreate a famous illustration from a book
- Create a scene that could appear in one of your favourite books
- Bake a literature-themed edible item.
Having "dressed" your scene or cooked your concoction, photograph it as creatively and imaginatively as you can.
The competition is open to all members of the RHS community
E-mail your entries to Mrs Danger with your Name, Year group and Image title
Deadline for entries: Friday 26th February
Results to be announced on World Book Day - Thursday 4th March.
Get involved, have fun and be creative!
Miss Danks and the judges